Meet Kitty

Hi. I'm Kitty. I also have a problem, two actually, my daughter (4 years old) and my son (2 years old)! JUST KIDDING they are not really problems, most of the time, however I was not super athletic before I had them and nothing has really changed (except my waist size). I actually like a lot of healthy foods however I find that my day is spent chasing my kids, cleaning up after them, entertaining get the picture. Where in there would I have time to exercise, buy the healthy food, learn to cook it and then actually cook it. I have 3 VERY picky eaters in my house and let me tell you I am not one of them, so I find myself either cooking what is fast, or what at least the majority of the other 3 want. I DISLIKE VERY STRONGLY (cause we don't use the "H" word) running! I would rather have a root canal! You will probably hear me saying I am getting in any kind of exercise I can, either with the kids or while they are asleep. I DO like dancing and swimming (I am not technically good, but I like it). My kids and I dance around the house a lot and with the Xbox and I know they would love to go to the pool since summer is approaching fast!! Hopefully I can get some exercise in before it gets here so I don't look like a beached whale at the pool. I don't really have a target weight or size as long as I feel stronger, healthier and drop the unhealthy fat! I want to be in shape! I want to learn to cook YUMMY healthy food! I want to be more confident in my body!

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